New Patients
Welcome to Oien Family Chiropractic Clinic! Our cheerful Watertown practice is the ideal place for you and your family to discover the benefits of natural chiropractic care. We hope that you’ll feel right at home!
Online Forms
Once you make an appointment, take a moment to download, print and fill out our online forms to bring to your first visit.
Your First Visit
Just as you want to get to know us, we’d like to get to know you and find out what your health goals are. As education is a big part of your visits, Dr. Chris will discuss with you how our bodies work and how chiropractic can fit into your health goals. In addition to a chiropractic exam, he’ll also perform the following:
- Muscle and Nervous System Scans
- X-rays if needed
You’ll receive an adjustment and learn stretches or exercises you can do at home. This appointment lasts about 60-90 minutes.
Your Second Visit
This is the super exciting day! Dr. Chris will meet with you to share his findings and recommendations on how we can best support you. Each person receives a unique care plan designed specifically for you and your nervous system’s needs. We want you to feel empowered to take control of your health! Including the report of findings and treatment, this appointment takes 30-40 minutes.
Following Up
Your subsequent visits take 10-20 minutes. You and Dr. Chris will discuss how you’ve been feeling, then proceed with a treatment. A typical treatment involves soft tissue work, stretching, mobilizations and a chiropractic adjustment.
How Long Will You Have to Continue Care?
Because every person is different and has unique needs, the number of visits will vary. Dr. Chris will create a customized treatment plan for you. Please remember that your healing journey is an ongoing process; it will take more than a single adjustment to get results. However, how long you decide to continue care is totally up to you. We are here to help you achieve your health goals.
Many people are under the false impression that if they go to a chiropractor once, they have to continue forever. This myth is commonly believed because those who experience chiropractic care feel so good that they want to stay that way and continue seeing their chiropractor.
It’s Dr. Chris’s goal that you’ll get to a point where you don’t need to see him often. After you are back to feeling well, we recommend maintenance treatments once a month or every couple of months to keep your mind and body in tune.
Join the thousands of others who have gotten relief from chiropractic care! Make your appointment today!